Axum or Aksum is an ancient city in northern Ethiopia named after the kingdom of Axum which ruled the area from 4th to 10th century.
It has an elevation of 2130 meters above sea level and located at a distance of about 700Km from Addis Ababa.

The Aksumite kingdom was at the crossroads of the three continents: Africa, Arabia and the Greco-Romanian World, and was the most powerful state between the eastern Roman Empire and Persia. The Axumite Empire has been founded by Minilik I, son of king Solomon of Israel and the Queen of Sheba ‘Makeda’ of Ethiopia.

Queen of Sheba raises her son Menelik meaning ‘Son of the Wise’ on her own. When he grows up, Menelik decides that he wants to meet his father and travels to Israel to meet King Solomon. When he returns, he takes with him the Ark of the Covenant to Ethiopia.

Ethiopian history claims that the religious leaders brought the Ark of the Covenant to Ethiopia with the blessing of King Solomon. He wanted his son to have these precious religious documents, rituals and books to be used by the Ethiopian people. The adoption of Christianity in Ethiopia dates to the fourth-century during the reign of the Axumite emperor king Ezana baptized as Abreha.

The Ethiopian Orthodox Church claims that the church of St. Mary of Zion in Axum is home to the Biblical Ark of the Covenant in which lies the” Tablets of Law” up on which the Ten Commandments are inscribed.
Replicates of the Ark, called Tabots, are housed in all of Ethiopia’s churches, and are carried in procession on special days. Axum is considered to be the holiest city in Ethiopia and is an important destination of pilgrimages.
The Aksumite rulers facilitated trade by minting their own Aksumite currency of gold, copper and silver.

Other features of the area include the king Ezana stone written in sabaean, Ge’ez and the ancient Greek; The monolithic obelisks, giant stelae, royal tombs and the ruins of ancient castles.

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The Yeha Temple

Is located 50 km northeast of Axum, this fascinating civilization of Ethiopia evolved in the earliest known city of Yeha, which dates to the 5th century BC? Yeha as a capital played a great role in the development of architectural, especially in terms of temples. it was an important historical time in Ethiopian history, because the Axumite kingdom, which come to existence later in the beginning of the first century AD, flourished as a kingdom, because the king inherited the culture of the Da’amot Kings. So there were such economic relationships. They inherited the scripts, Sabaean scripts. At the same time, the Axumites raised obelisks to be used as grave markers.

Debre Damo Monastery

Debre damo is the name of a flat- topped mountain, or Amba, and a 6th century monastery in northern Ethiopia. The mountain is a steeply rising plateau of trapezoidal shape, 1000 by 400 meters in dimension.

Debre damo monastery is situated on an isolated mountain in the part of Tigray; it is unique compared with most Ethiopian monasteries. Debre damo was built, in the sixth century AD, with curved wood panels, painted ceiling and walls dedicated to the legend of saint (Abune) Aregawi. The history of Debre Damo is centered on the “Nine saint” who came to Ethiopia from Syria to spread Christianity in the Tigray region. One of them was Saint Abune Aregawi who settled on the mountain of Debre Damo. The other eight saints settled around Tigray countryside and all have their own church named after them.

To visiting the monastery of Debre Damo the only access to see the site seeing,
Claiming the cliff by supporting to the leather rope. It is also only for man, woman is forbidden. More Rock Hewn churches between Adigrat and Wukro for detail information some of them are described.

Wukro Chirkos the single most accessible rock hewn church in the Tigrai, Wukro Chirkos is a semi-monolith that juts out from a low cliff about 500m northeast of the town centre. Cruciform in plan, the large rough-hewn interior incorporate a reception area with a cupola inset in the ceiling, and three tall naves.

Abreha Atsbeha

Abreha Atsbeha is an outstanding rock-hewn church that is located around 30km southeast of Hawzien and 15km outside of Wukro town. This church is dedicated to the famous twin Axumite Kings, Abreha and Atsbeha, who introduced Christianity to Ethiopia during the 4th century. The church is said to be the final resting place for the Axumite twins who are commonly known by their other names, Ezana and Saizana, respectively.

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